5 Hairstyle-Inspired Halloween Costumes

October 12, 2022by fadmin

One, two, Fernandino is here for you. That’s right it’s that spooktacular time of the year again! Halloween is coming up quickly, which means it’s time to plan or start putting together your costume. Did you know you can create a wickedly good Halloween costume with mostly just a great hairstyle? Whether you’re looking for a more laid back costume you can wear at the office or want to wow your friends with your DIY skills, these hairstyle-inspired Halloween costumes are ghoulishly good.

Eddy Munson

The latest season of Stranger Things is sure to inspire a lot of Halloween costumes this year, especially the beloved rocker character Eddy Munson. This fun, no-fuss costume is easily achieved by creating that classic 80s metalhead hairstyle. Either curl or wave your hair and then tease it out for a grungy, head banging feel. Finish it all off with a vintage band t-shirt and denim jacket.

Britney Spears

If you have a plaid skirt or old school uniform in your closet, who better to dress as this Halloween than Britney Spears? To recreate her now infamous schoolgirl style from the “Baby One More Time” music video,  part your hair in the middle and braid both sides into pigtails. Adding fuzzy scrunchies can also help take this costume to the next Y2K level.

Devil Horns

Why buy your costume when you can create the look of devil horns using just your own locks? Divide your hair into two sections at the front. Then place a hair roller on either side and wrap your hair tightly around each of them – bonus points if you can form them in the shape of a point. Feel free to use all your hair or wear it half up depending on your length. Hold it all in place with bobby pins and plenty of hairspray.


The 90s are back and cooler then ever, and Halloween is no different. Pay homage to the iconic 90s horror monster by teasing and spraying your hair with temporary green hairspray. This is especially good if you’re in a hurry, because the messier your hair looks, the more Beetlejuice-esque you become!

Pumpkin or Strawberry Bun

What if your hair was the whole costume? Transform your hair into a strawberry or pumpkin by tightly pulling your hair into a bun and spraying it with temporary colour hairspray. To really make your costume obvious, glue fake leaves or stems from craft stores onto hair clips and strategically place them where needed.